


Recently I’ve felt disconnected with myself. It’s almost as if I am nothing but a vessel and my body is on auto pilot. The light headedness that comes with it make it feel like I’m in a dream. It’s the oddest feeling not knowing when my dreams end and reality kicks in.

The hardest part for me is the numbness with a hint of fear that comes along with it.

This past week a lot has happened with my personal life which I feel has triggered this feeling, I can’t tell if this is my minds coping mechanism or my mind completely shutting down. What I can say is that it isn’t helping. Trying to figure out how to make this feeling go away is a difficult task.

 I’ve learnt that fighting is a hard thing to do when you don’t know what you’re fighting. So I am aware that my first step is to figure out what it is that I’m fighting.

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